Friday, June 17, 2011

God's Foot Locker

Ephesians 6:15
And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

Without good shoes or shoes that actually fit the soldier that soldier would not be able to hold his ground in battle.

Your feet fitted: is a call to step into YOUR anointing, YOUR purpose, YOUR life with God and not living someone else's. It is easy to see the glory in a persons life but you may not know the struggle that person went through to get there. I remember in Bible college all us young buck preachers wanted to be like T.D. Jakes. One of his catch phrases was "Get ready, get ready, get ready." It was often imitated by several of us. I believe I sounded most like the Bishop. But T.D. Jakes has an anointing for what he does where he is by God. I am not to be T.D. Jakes Jr. I am to be like Christ and find my identity in Him.

When we try to live a life based on the outward appearance of another human we fail to see God's original purpose for us. Try God's Foot Locker and put on the shoes that have been designed with you in mind.

The readiness means to be ready to make a faithful stand. Sometimes peace is brought about through an act of aggression. Like I have said before part of living right is being prepared to fight. There must come a point where as Christians we become intolerant of the nonsense and speak the truth of the gospel. In doing so the message of the gospel of peace which is that those who trust and believe in God are no longer on the receiving end of His wrath.

Those who stand firm in their anointing and their God directed purpose are not easily tripped up by temptation. The peace that Jesus gives in knowing who we are in Him is liberating. We are liberated to have life to the fullest when we experience it in the way God intended for us.

Go in this peace and return in the victory.

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